Saturday, December 28, 2019


I can't believe the departure from Cambria is so very near! Just tomorrow (Sunday) to get it all together, not counting today because it's already scheduled to the ying yang and back.  The final unscheduled day to finish packing my bags for a year-long joueney or more is tomorrow, Sunday.  Progress so far, all my toiletries are in the front cosmetic bag on table (left), meds & misc in the 2nd bag on table, in the third are all my undies & socks.  Those will go in the check-in bag on right.  I have two other zipper containers for pants and tops. Coats, jackets, formal wear for ship will be folded over these zippered containers. Electronic, shoes, sleepwear, and cold-wear will be in carry-on roller bag. That's the plan, we'll see if it works.  lol lol Well laid plans ...

 Will leave on Monday (30th), first stop Visalia and visits with friends and family before going any further ...

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