Monday, December 9, 2019


I seem to be reflecting this afternoon, now that a load of 40 book boxes and another 16 grey 18 gal. containers have been taken to storage. It's moving right along, folks. Just twenty more days till I leave Cambria and all behind. But today my reflective mood or distraction (more like it) is challenging my thoughts, questioning myself.

Part of it could be my physicality today, feeling a bit off kilter. Napped and woke up to the taste of bile in my mouth. Happening often lately.  Maybe I'm lying down too soon after eating. Lying on the wrong side too, should be left side. Well I'm not going to dwell on it past this moment, just need to remember to lie on my left side for nap and at night. Happens at night sometimes too. Normally I can trace the uncomfortableness back to overeating or wrong combinations of food and drink. I'm sure my doc would say the same thing. "Rebecca, you're just getting older, and need to be aware of what you put into your stomach." Okay, doc, need to be more aware.

I began thinking today about the trains in Europe.  Getting on and off.  That can really be tricky, especially with my larger check-in bag and the carry-on bag, hefting both on and off trains. There's no problem flying because one is checked in. So I need to make sure my train tickets are scheduled to give me time between trains.  Direct routes are the best when I can get them. I have the TRAINLINE app on my phone, and when you buy your tickets they are there to show the conductor or trade for paper tickets at the stations. Have already purchased the UK tickets for my upcoming trip. The first one is from Weymouth to Winchester - direct route. So no worry there, don't have to meet a schedule for the next train. That's after I've been in Weymouth the first month and am ready to move on to Winchester.  After a month in Winchester I go to the Isle of Wight. So I've got a direct ticket to Portsmouth & Southsea station where I'll take a cab to the hovercraft ferry port and skim across to Isle of Wight, right to the town where I'm staying - Ryde.  Have already purchased a RT ferry ticket too. So that's the first three months.  Then it's a reversal of the ferry, after which I'll go to the airport in Southampton and fly to Ireland for the next three months. And of course when I travel around the countries, there'll be more trains, buses, taxis.  It's very easy. There's always a tourist office in the towns with schedules of tours and maps and transportation schedules.  AND there's always the Internet. Personally, I use the Internet mostly during my travels. However in the months before boarding the QM2 on Sept 4, I'll be spending much of my traveling time in my rooms writing my memoir. And that really is exciting. Have to have first draft ready by then, because while on the ship I'll be plugging in real-time thoughts and recollections ... as if I'm reminiscing about The Eight Husbands & Other Lovers during my eightieth birthday crossing of the Atlantic.

So when I have my doubts, not often, I remind myself what this trip means to me ... the freedom to live elsewhere and everywhere, new adventures and more experiences, new occasions and people, no restrictions, no interruptions ... just me and the unniverse and whatever is out there and the freedom to write whatever I want to.

And that sums it up rather perfectly. So we'll see how it goes in 2020 and whether or not I'll keep on truckin' in 2021, etc.

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