Wednesday, January 1, 2020


I AM IN VISALIA, CA ... first day of my 2020 journey!

We pick up sister Martha at airport today, shes coming in earlier from Utah. Was scheduled for Saturday. But we wanted her here now, so I changed the ticket. Then Sunday we three sisters will meet up with some of our McMullen relatives in Camarillo; its been years since we've done that together. Looking forward to it. Next week we'll be visited by cousin Carole (Dearmore side of family) from Paradise (northern CA). Then sista Martha and I leave for Utah on the 10th for the next leg of my year-long adventure ...

TO RECAP LAST COUPLE DAYS, I ended up having to go to Los Osos, after all, before leaving the central coast, two more plastic bags of misc. stuff to add to the storage overflow. That unit is FULL, a 20' x 10'. Didnt get on the road to go to Visalia till 4:00 pm on Monday. Was at the accountant in Morro Bay over an hour - tax returns.  After arriving in Visalia around 6:30, had a ball with sister Mary and her hubby Matty. We ended up laughing our heads off. Havent laughed that hard in years. Then last night we had a lovely New Year's Eve dinner at Vintage Press.

So all is well. I'm still adjusting to the change, the realization of leaving Cambria one last time. Doesn't feel more than just a visit with Mary and Martha. I think when I get on the plane from Utah to England, it'll hit me.

Till next time ... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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