Monday, December 23, 2019


ONE WEEK FROM TODAY ... I’m off to the races!!! But now the crunch is on. You know about those last minute to-do lists and the unexpected hurdles that always appear ...well I’m working through that list.

First on the list was my High Blood Pressure meds ... three of them. Insurance wouldn’t pay meds for more than three months travel out of country. So I would have to go to a doctor in those countries to get new prescriptions when needed, pay cash. On a hunch and once again, I called pharmacy to see what they could do for me. My brilliant druggist made a suggestion ... get a year’s prescription here and pay out of pocket for bulk before I leave, which would at least eliminate costly doctors’ appointments and additional $$ while traveling. DONE!!! I love my druggist! But I wonder how much space that will take. And wonder if inspectors will think I’m dealing drugs. Interesting.

Second on my list ... the indicator light came on in the car yesterday, saying air in tire is low. So today will check that out and also get the car serviced this week before leaving.

And so on ....

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