Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Now that's a bit scary - just 25 days till I'll vacate my cozy nest of three years ... moved into it the First of January 2017.  It was comfy and pleasurable while it lasted, my New York loft, I call it. But if you were to see it now, partly deserted with empty display cases, bubble wrap and grey totes being packed and stacked, empty book shelves ... well it's sort of sad looking.

The happy and exciting part is that I'm about to take a long journey around the world for as long as I can, two and three months in countries of my choice.  2020 will be England, Ireland, France, Eastern Canada. 2021 will be Italy, Spain, maybe some Baltic countries, and Switzerland. All revisits ... spending more time in them to get to know people and places, AND TO WRITE ABOUT THEM, YES!! 

All my furnishings and belongings stay in storage till I tire of traveling and my wanderings end, however many years it'll be - one, two, three, maybe more. So yes, the reality is setting in and it's only 25 days till I leave Cambria, and 15 more after that till I lift off to England.  Can't believe I'm actually doing it. 

 Linda Hainline, dear one, RIP, I'm going, I'm REALLY doing it. ❤️❤️❤️

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