Friday, December 20, 2019

10 Days Left in Cambria

OMG!  The panic is setting in! Only ten more days, actually nine, to attend to all that’s left to do.  But the saving grace is I’ve got the whole world and a new life opening up to me on January 15, 2020! YES!!!!

When I arrive in England on January 16, all past and present stress and burdens will have  been lifted, after that only to be used fictitiously in my writings - Fodder for my characters, as always.  I feel lighter already, clearing out the muddles and baggage as I also clear out my apartment and files of clutter.

I was asked this week if persons in Cambria are in my novels, that people are guessing about certain characters, I had to laugh. Although Cambria is a ‘Peyton Place’ as all small towns are, it nor any of its people are in my novels.  There is one segment in the first book that I placed my main character’s stepmother Lee as owner of an art gallery in Cambria, and ‘Rachel O’Neill’ spends a couple weeks with ‘Lee’ while recovering the death of her birth mother. A chapter of reflection for Rachel mostly. No interaction with the populace. AND I have no desire to write about  Cambrians.

NOW, MY UPCOMING MEMOIR is a different situation ... of course since I’ve had two husbands and other ‘lovers’ here, you can expect to read about them in that tell-all. YES!!!!

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