Friday, January 17, 2020


FIRST I must tell you about my two flights to London.

 Most of you know that I don't care to talk to fellow passengers on planes. It's a rule of mine ... prefer to rest and sleep, read, and watch movies on planes. Well, right off the bat, the young fellow next to me, I always sit on the aisle, began asking me questions. Where was I going, where I was from, and etc.  Questions that weren't simple for me to answer, right? No one-word answers. lol lol  Well, our conversation continued the duration of the flight from SLC to D/FW.  A delightful fella. What was interesting to me was his story.  He travels all over to accumulate new improved vegetable seeds for seed farmers in Idaho (I think I have that right, correct me, if not). He lives near Burley, Idaho, and was surprised that I had lived in Burley for four months on my disappearance/run-away trip in the '80s.  We had mutual things to talk about of Burley and area.  He and his wife honeymooned on the central Calif coast and knew about Cambria, where I lived.  He's also in real estate in Idaho, residential and commercial.  Very nice fellow.  Enjoyed talking to him. Time zoomed by.

On flight from D/FW to Heathrow, I sat by another young fellow (pictured below) that did the same thing, started asking me questions. I, in turn, asked him questions. He is Roy Harley, International Director of Christian Surfers International, lives near Durban, South Africa. What an interesting fella he is. My oh my! Told me about his wife (school teacher) and children, about the year they took off to visit all the surfing communities around the world when he became director, and about the area where he's from and lives in South America, about Australia and New Zealand .... and convinced me I must go to them ... all three countries. I will in 2021.

While he slept, I tried to sleep, but my restless legs kept me moving about, a real bad case of them. But my legs didn't swell this time. WOW. Finally I grabbed an hour's sleep while we were a couple hours from London.

The ride from the airport in London to train station in Woking was uneventful as well as the train ride to Weymouth. I was a bit wilted, but still on my feet. Arrived on time 4:15 pm, Martin & Ali picked me up and delivered me to B&B. I crashed quite early and stayed in all day today. So tomorrow, Saturday, I'll venture out.




  1. Wonderful!!
    I so admire you and your adventures Rebecca!

    1. Thank you, Jessica ... I’m happy we are friends ...
