Friday, January 24, 2020


It’s my ninth day in Weymouth, England.  It’s all about reacquainting with the town mostly this past week. Slowly, due to flu recovery. But I’m on the upside now, no more talk of sickness. Yesterday on my outing I had a second meal at The William Henry, and a nice young man came to my table and politely asked me if I knew Crysta Cozelos? (She’s my grand daughter, an RN at Southside Regional Medical Center in Petersburg, Virginia.) I said yes of course. he introduced himself (Cain) and said he recognized me from my photos. He’d spent time with her on the trip with me to Weymouth a couple years ago, and he’d gone to see her in Virginia after that. Seemed a pleasant fellow. Said he just wanted to say hello and went on.

Afterwards I walked up the lane to Wilkos to buy some some personal supplies, and encountered a middle-aged woman on the sidewalk, crying loudly, boo-hooing literally, screaming, “My bag, my bag, he knicked it, he knicked it! I don’t know! I don’t know!” A salon woman was trying to calm and help her. But she wouldn’t stop wailing and screaming, and jumping up and down. Never seen anything like it. I walked on, after two more women tried to assist. When I returned from Wilkos, the police were helping her, had called someone to come get her, she was sitting in police car, still crying. Felt so sorry for her.

Today I plan to walk down one of the town lanes that lead to the bridge over the harbor, will search for the sidewalk vegetable/fruit market I recall seeing last time I was here. Need a few things. However I can also go to Marks & Spence’s Food market that’s in the department store. Am looking for a pull-over black sweater too. Will have a salad there today, maybe.

Tomorrow, Saturday, I have an eye exam scheduled to order new glasses. Need a spare. Had to trash the existing spare with broken frame. My favorites. Oh well!

Then tomorrow night SATURDAY will be having dinner with Ali & Martin somewhere on the Harbour ... I do love Weymouth Harbour. Have written about it in my books, especially in The Christmas Diary, a novella.

Okay, that’s it for now ... this coming weekend more thoughts and photos of my leisurely month in Weymouth, Dorset, England.  Love to all.

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