Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Yes, the day has come. Tomorrow I will be in the air flying to the first country of four on my year-long adventure. WOW!!!  So excited! And a little nervous - which will dissipate quickly before landing in London. It’s been a full three months preparing for this gigantic quest. What started out as a desire to live in England, quickly shifted to a plan of spending three months in each of four countries. And now starting tomorrow I’ll see just how well my plans unfold.

I already imagine myself in the towns I’ll be visiting, Already did research on them, which I do on every trip. But now it’s real, I’ll experience them in person.

Tonight my sister’s Utah family and I had dinner in Lehi with my son Micheal Manos from Phoenix. It was a great surprise to see him, he’s here with his company who is building the huge Facebook Center near SLC.

Seated on the right, from back to front: Len Ross, Martha Ross, Micheal Manos.
On left, back to front: Emily Ross, Phillip Ross, Mya-Lisa Ross Ludwig, Adam Ross.
I’m snapping photo.

There are more photos to post from dinner last night, will do that another time. Am very tired tonight, and battling a cold that hit last night during snowstorm. So I’m cutting it short and going to sleep! Tomorrow is the big day!!!!  NITE ALL!!!

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