Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Yes, still in Weymouth till the 15th. I finally set up my computer for the first time since being here, just now, on the vanity next to the TV, and works fine for me. Didn't think it would work. Yaaay!  So now I can write properly again. Except I have to learn fingering positioning on this keyboard,too close together, not accustomed to it at all.

Yep, I plan to get back to writing today.  It's almost 3:00pm, the State of the Union address is at Midnight here, so I've plenty of time between.  I AM going out to eat dinner tonite however though, am craving a real meal other than from my food stash in my room.  Getting sick of that.  lol lol. Have to change it up a bit. Maybe at the Nothe Tavern on the hill, or Prezzo on the harbour. Tomorrow nite will have dinner at The Glouchester, a couple blocks up the street, meeting with Martin & Ali and their Harris family. That will be fun seeing the boys and their sister Lana again. Then on Saturday will be going up to West Bay on the beach for the night and a dinner. Staying over til Sunday and will have a leisurely trip back to Weymouth. 

It may seem as if all I'm doing in England so far is sleeping and eating, watching USA politics, reading. It's all true. Just adjusting to my new lifestyle, not having to do or be anything or anyone but me.  Whoever ME is.  Am certainly on a quest to find that out. Slow but sure.  I've even questioned my recent, very recent, decision to rid myself of ALL my belongings, collections, furnishings, in storage, keeping only what I have with me. I keep weakening on that decision, going back and forth, but I'm gathering all my strength to go through with it.  I tell myself it's time, why hang on to all that stuff? I've enjoyed it long enough, time for somebody else to have it now - not after I'm dead and gone. Besides, I'm doing without it on my year away, and don't want to have to move it all to where I decide to settle forever how long. I feel a little guilt I've decided to do it AFTER placing it all in storage, leaving it for someone else to dispose of. But I do hope Babs and Kelly can make some good money from selling it. (If there is something you would like to have, see photos of my stuff on my Facebook album CAMBRIA APARTMENT.  Facebook Message "Handy Dandy" or "Barbara McKee" or me.)

Starting in December, I plan to live in Vegas in a furnished apartment for at least a year after this trip,  unless a Prince Charming sweeps me up and takes me elsewhere. lol lol  Well, after reading two of Inglath Cooper's novels, she's got me thinking. So, it's a good position to be in, no encumbrances, can do whatever whenever. YES! And if I make it to Vegas, I may love it and stay longer than a year. Who knows? Not I. I'm open to whatever the Universe offers me.


More later ...

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