Monday, November 11, 2019

DAY 1 - Packing Collectibles

This is it ... tubs are here along with bubble wrap.  This afternoon I will start packing all my pretties. I’m not looking forward to the empty shelves and spaces as my time in Cambria decreases. I love to be surrounded by meaningful items and beauty,  many I’ve collected on my travels, many I’ve discovered in antique shops and markets, some were gifts, some were my mother’s and some from my grandmothers on each side. I’m happy I’ve taken photographs of it all, here and now. That’ll keep me company till I’m surrounded by them all once again in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Boy, I’m not as strong and nimble as I thought. One tub today. So if I push it to packing two tubs a day, along with other preparations, in 30 days I’ll have packed 60 tubs. That’ll work. Middle of December is my goal for packing to be complete.
