Thursday, November 21, 2019


39 more days in Cambria ... OMG! Comin’ ‘round fast!

Sorry I haven’t been on here as often as usual, it’s because I’m so damn busy with all there is to do with moving out of this apartment. The packing is therapeutic, I’m finding. Today I hit upon the revelation that for the duration of my over-seas travels I won’t be aggravated by all the tedious ‘to-do’ lists of everyday living here. That is a biggie for me. There’s nothing that gnaws on me most like having to tend to personal and every-day living matters: appointments, dates with people when I don’t really want to go, bills, cleaning, making up my day-bed everyday (difficult to do, can’t reach all corners), cooking, shopping for groceries, up and down the stairs, laundry, taking out the trash, and a host of other niggling items.  When I fly out of the USA on Jan 15, all of that disappears for however long I want - 1, 2, 3 years or more. I’ll be staying in places where most of the physical stuff is done for me, and I won’t have any bills or appointments not connected with my travels.  No commitments that aren’t travel oriented. I am so grateful that I’m able to do this, financially and physically, and even though it isn’t my original plan, I’m happy and excited about what it has become. And yes, I have the option of changing my mind at any time, or staying in one place longer than planned, or sticking to the schedule. It’s the freedom of doing what I want, when I want, without constraints and hindrances, that I love.  (Just a few of my packing thoughts today while packing crystal pieces - 5 bins/totes so far.)

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