Thursday, November 14, 2019

DAY 4 - Packing Apartment

Yesterday ended well with six bins loaded and ready to go to storage. Kelly’s coming this morning with his trailer, but that’s to pick up my potted spruce tree and two potted climbing roses for Barbara Roche’s garden. Giving her first dibs on plants. She already has some of them. A couple items in my patio I’m keeping - the white bistro set, the wrought iron settee, but the rest I’m leaving for the next tenant.

It’s fast becoming a realization, this decision to move out of Cambria once again. Third time is the charm! Yes I’ve lived and moved away from here three times. This time I’ve had several false starts, and now it’s finally a reality.  Once the thought or desire is in the mind, the action follows. It is with me, that is. In fact I use the method ... think it, visualize it, believe it, act on it.  Almost everything I do, every decision, is carried out that way. Even my travels, of which there have been many.  This next will be my greatest travel achievement- 330 days on the road by land, sea, and air. At 80 years of age. And if I feel up to it, a second year around the world will follow to even more exotic places.

In the meantime, I’ve two books in my work-in-progress file - my memoir and another novel in my Rachel O’Neill series, and there will be a third book on this next year of traveling. This blog will be my journal of notes and memories for that book.

Now back to having my morning coffee  before I pack a few more bins.

Good Morning, World!

1 comment:

  1. WOW..soon..then the PARTY BEGINS...💃✈🚀🚢🚌
